Thursday, December 20, 2007

a few questions of the heart...

A few questions of the heart...

What are you grateful for today?
What sets your heart on fire?
Where are you finding peace,
that is just for you?
What project do you want to start?
What project can you let go of?
What words and images are in your heart?

All of us are creative beings, with gifts that long to be tended. I pray that each of us will give more to ourselves in the area of creativity!
When we nurture our own dreams, we gain the wisdom and the strength to support others with their dreams. Our dreams give off light, and they help light up the path so others can see more clearly!


elizaBeth Benson said...

i am so grateful for these clarifying questions. to ask them, over and over again, each day, is to orient deeper inside a day of grace. today, they appear as a gift to me--and invite me to journal about what comes up. thank you. thank you. thank you. i am so glad you are here in the blogosphere.

Shiloh Sophia McCloud said...

Thank you dear one! It is so good to have YOU in the rodeo of the soul!